The future is bulletproof
The aftermath is secondary

a floating douche

Hi there!! my name is Cesar or Barry (sometimes i will use Peter), i am also super comfy with kin names, i love kin names! I'm from latinamerica, im an artist trying my best to live through my passion. I love comicbooks, it's my special interest, but also i enjoy of videogames. I will often infodump you about comics, also i will be very critical about the MCU/DCTV because i do not like adaptations and how they treat the hardcore fans. It could sound annoying but im actually very nice.
I use he/she pronouns since, culturally latinamerica people treat awful the queer people, since i am a transgender male, sometimes for protection i need to use she pronounce. I am also very comfortable with my masculinity, and im very critical about patriarchal masculinity. I am an artist, currently taking commissions, working on improving myself after some p traumatic events. I'm currently trying to go 100% vegan, and seeking for transition, tho is really hard on my third world country. I am a radical punk and have strong political views, tho I do not enter on discourse nor try to convince anyone to share my belief. I use mostly vent for it's meant purpose, but i am more political over twitter (where i am not publicly kin).

emoji key

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